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Dead 2.0 Most people in Internet Businesses might have heard of buzzwords about Web 2.0. Do you really believe that web 2.0 is a new trend and it's whole fresh? Thanks to Dreaming, I found a very interesting post. Take a look and have time for a deep thought. Dead 2.0 - 11 Suggestions For Not Being a Dot-Bomb 2.0 Have a revenue model, right now. Not something you’ll figure out when you get some traffic. .. 2006. 7. 28.
Cyworld Studio... Cyworld Studio?Easy to Use (Obvious what icons and functions mean, which means it's simple)Easy to Understand (Since it is Not far different from Cyworld Editor)Well-Organized (Sorting by Date, File Name, Foldername)Well-Intergrated with Minihompy (Much Easier to Upload pics, More pics at one time)Satisfy the needs of whom who wanted to see the pics in a wide view (offers slide show, you can bro.. 2006. 7. 15.
About Fobs Fobs just came from the states. Fobs mean.... (it's the best description of FOB from urbandictionary.com) Fob means, First of all...Fob's are immigrants a.k.a. Fresh off the boat. There are many kinds of fobs (i cant really take credit for this becuz i got this off a site. I added some in) Twinkie - Besides your nationality, there is little to distinguish you from white people - Your significant.. 2006. 7. 11.
I Love Lines.... I love lines...( http://love-lines.com ) 정말 처음 이름을 들었을 때에는, Bloglines의 SN이 강화된 모델이 아닐까 했었다. 왠걸, 이거 매우 Sensitive & touchy 한 서비스인걸? 아...여자인 내가 봐도 lovely lovely adorable 사이트다... 플래시가 매우 여성적이면서도, 감성적인 터치가 돋보이는 사이트. 해당 하는 Love와 Hate이라는 사람의 절묘한 감정의 수위에 따른 그날 그날의 컨텐츠를, By Words, By Pictures 등으로 다양하게 보여준다. (아마도 영어라는 장점을 활용하여 단어/태그 분석을 한 것 같다...공통 되는 어휘를 볼 수 있으리라!) 이거 왠지 개인이랑 엮어져도 재미있겠다라는 생각이 든다.... 인터넷 .. 2006. 7. 5.